The most strategic ways to decelerate your job search depression

decelerate your job search depression

Ways to decelerate your job search depression. Bearing the collapse in Job search makes you bold. Out of bitter defeat come extraordinary events.

“Surviving failure makes you bold. Out of devastating failure come spectacular events.”

– Linda Gottlieb

Losing a job is one of life’s most stressful experiences. And setting out to search for another job can sometimes be a long, arduous journey. It can be exhausting and upsetting, with physical and psychological consequences. The effects of unemployment can even go hand in hand with depression.

Job search depression can strike even the most qualified, high-achieving candidates. You need strategic planning and self-encouragement for breaking free from the darkest hours. It’s crucial to continue your hunt for a job. But it’s just as essential to building your self-worth. If you’re unemployed and depressed, these five methods will help you take control of the situation on how to decelerate your job search depression.

“Find out what you like doing best, and get someone to pay you for it.”

Katharine Whitehorn

Five methods to help you decelerate your job search depression

  • Step back and take a break

“Relax! You just lose your job. No one likes throwing out from their position unless they hated in the first place. So, never look at it as a failure or drown in self-pity and doubt. We know, it’s difficult to turn a negative experience into a positive when you loved your job. Whether you liked it or not, you’ve just got a mini-vacation now. More than likely, you needed the rest before another start. Use the initial days to take inventory and relax. Now, you have plenty of time to work around the clock. Watch a movie with your children. Find something worth doing and enjoy the extra time off from work.

Make a list of those things you extremely hate about your previous job. Utilise the time to rant a little about those pesky complaints to your friends. Vent about your boss’s absurdities. It may help you break from the old job, avoid being unemployed and depressed and prepare to move forward. Just avoid doing this on social media.

  • Don’t get too cosy

Relaxing and learning to love or hate your old job is excellent. Just remember your career goals. Don’t get too comfy catching up on missed TV shows. Use your time wisely and efficiently. Just because the paycheck stopped arriving doesn’t mean you have no work to do. Consider your new life as a job. Set the alarm to wake you at the same time and get ready for action. Schedule your time for essential tasks and relaxation.

Prepare for the job hunt by polishing up your CV and cover letter. Remove out-of-date items of the resume and update the template and design adding a more modern and professional touch.

  • Are there any skills, experience or professional development missing?
  • Check whether you added your most recent position?
  • Does your CV reflect a doer or an achiever?

Will these questions will make you prepared for the job search.

  • Learn to identify risk factors

Losing a job will be much like losing a loved one. Many people grieve the loss of their career and then become angry and curse their fate. Once they have worked through all the emotions, they pick up the pieces and start moving on. Sometimes though, job loss depression sets in, and it takes a little more pushing to move ahead. Learn to identify the triggers and symptoms of depression.

  • Are you a little moody?
  • How much are you sleeping daily?
  • Are you missing your meals?

Changes in lifestyle are the most common signs of depression

“When one door is closed, don’t you know that many more are open.”

Bob Marley
  • Get in shape

It is the perfect time to learn a new hobby or start an exercise regimen as you have lo of spare time in your hands. Consider Active leisure as a necessity you can’t live without. There many health benefits of being active. It creates a sense of achievement, develops strong self-esteem and turns downtime into valuable time.

  • Be useful

Everyone in the world needs to feel useful. We need to feel wanted and appreciated by others. That’s just human nature. It’s also why self-esteem often is linked to our jobs and family life. When we go through unemployment depression, we feel valued when others come to us for advice and help. Take this notion and start helping others. Many stays at home, mothers and fathers learned to become more involved in their children’s school activities or local community events. They joined neighbourhood organizations, local PTA boards and other organizations to feel needed.

It is great for the resume as well. Volunteering for local events enhance leadership potential and develop communication skills. Employers look for candidates who go the extra mile to help others. It shows dedication and commitments, a valuable trait for any business. You should look for local volunteer initiatives in your area. Non-profits always need help from volunteers.

Depression, anxiety, and stress all play an essential role in how long a person is out of work. While much of this cannot get prevented, you can take steps to lower the chances of kicking out of a job long-term. Maintain a positive attitude always and don’t give up. There are more jobs out there. Trapping yourself into unemployment, depression and anxiety only prevents you from moving forward.

“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”

– Albert Einstein