New questions about how to resolve workplace woes professionally. Why you must read every word of this report

Resolve your workplace woes

Resolve your workplace woes is the most professional manner rather than ostracising the woes address it and erase them for better productivity in the concern,

“Conflict and resolution are two sides of the same coin.”

Haresh Sippy

Issues aren’t uncommon in the workplace. Every day we undergo several problems, which may be related to your work, co-workers, resources, policies, etc.

  • So, what exactly will you do when you disagree with company policy or need to register a formal complaint about your annoying co-worker?
  • And what do you do when your manager turns his back to your complaint?

Trust me when I say that managing complaints is not at the top of any manager’s list of favourites things to do — especially on-going charges which can wear down even the best manager.

Sometimes your manager ignores your complaint. But, it will not make them disappear, and it could negatively affect the productivity and morale of an employee or the entire team. The outcome can make a disgruntled employee and a manager who no longer engage the employees. It can also create an intolerable situation for the remaining people in the office who are enduring the negative.

Are you facing the same issues? Then this will be the end of the problem, and you can enjoy a tension-free workplace. Now, let us look at how to resolve your office woes the professional way.

People will forget what you said, they will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.

Maya Angelou

How to resolve your Resolve your workplace woes the professional way?

  • Turn complaints into requests

Talking directly to the supervisor is the first step to take when trying to Resolve your workplace woes. Even though you haven’t any past experiences to bring feedback to your manager, it is always the ideal way to start addressing your concerns. But, before actually going into listing your complaint, take a moment and think numerous times about what you want to happen.

If you want a positive approach from your manager, you need to convert your complaint to requests. Then you’re moulding a path instead of staying stuck in the mud and expecting someone else to get you out.

  • Identify the solution ahead of time

Getting prepared with ideal solutions is the best thing to do when you walk to your manager’s office. If you enter into your manager’s cabin with a long list of complaints and no proactive steps to take to resolve them, you’ll end up sounding like a complainer. So take some time and get a clear picture of what the complaints are, why they upset you, and what is the ideal solution to the problem would be.  It will allow you to be precise with your concerns and also help your supervisor better understand how to assist you. Your employer may not be able to make the change happen, but they will never know what you’re hoping to see if you don’t tell them.

  • When to take the complaint above your boss

If you find your manager unable to help you with the situation, or nothing gets resolved after you made the complaint, what steps are going to take? Try taking the complaint request to the person’s boss or your manager’s supervisor. Even then, the issues continue to be ignored or unresolved; you can go to human resources.

  • Make an agreement with your boss

If you want to make sure your complaint gets the attention you feel it deserves, the ideal way to keep this conversation professional and between you and your manager is to agree on how to handle the situation best.

When you approach your supervisor with your request, ask him if they will agree to look at it and get back to you. Agreements are far better than expectations as they represent a dialogue, where expectations are just something we place on a person whether they want it or not.

If your supervisor agrees to look into your request, ensure you ask for a date that you both can agree for resolving the issue. But, if it’s a more serious problem, such as sexual harassment or illegal actions, you will want to have this fixed within a shorter period, if not immediately.

  • Don’t Be Afraid to Issue a Complaint

Though making a complaint at the workplace can feel intimidating, professionally approaching the issue will help you resolve.

The most significant difference between a complaint and constructive feedback is that the latter is solution-oriented. Everybody wants to vent now and then, but ensure that the person you’re complaining to be the right person.

Let your small frustrations about scheduling, slightly annoying co-workers or not-so-fun tasks out during conversations with friends and family, never share it with your boss. If you have a bigger problem to address, don’t be shy about discussing it with your manager as you both are here to make your team better!

A willingness to trust and openly listen to alternative ideas and views is essential for collaboration to be successful.

Dale Eilerman